01-01-2010, 10:51 PM
You know the drill

Critique this new episode, both your own and others.

01-01-2010, 10:53 PM
why can't we just do this in the comment section of the original thread it seems like it would be that much easier and people have pretty much already started doing it

01-01-2010, 11:04 PM
There have already been critique threads for the past three Minis episodes, abyssion, and they've been pretty successful - there's no reason not to do the same here. The news thread's more for initial reactions, at any rate.

As for a self-evaluation of my Evangelion/Lancashire Hotpots clip, while I don't think that it turned out too badly for something cobbled together in Windows Movie Maker (rest assured, I've since promoted myself to Sony Vegas Studio), an obvious failing would be the pretty dismal image quality, for which I apologise. Also, in one of the shots of the initial "beer-lager-cider-bitter-stout" sequence, Misato's actually drinking soup... although she is holding onto a can of alcohol at the same time!

Image quality aside, if I may say so I think that the central conceit of rollin' out the barrel with Miss. Misato "fond of her cans" Katsuragi came out pretty well (viewers may think otherwise - if you think that the clip wasn't up to snuff, please say so!) - and as comic songs go, at least it makes a change from Weird Al Yankovic! ;)

01-02-2010, 12:45 AM
I'm aware of the other critique threads and I'm just saying that the original threads for each episodes have had just as much critique as the others, ergo I question the necessity of an extra thread that just divides focus and does essentially the same thing.

01-02-2010, 02:48 AM
I think the comments in the critique threads have been much more in-depth than in the news threads, and I think it has to do with explicitly saying "Critique thoroughly here." Now if the news feeds were that explicit, that might be a different matter.

At any rate, I see no harm in keeping them separate.

01-02-2010, 03:17 AM
Yeah, that Stairway to Heaven one... I didn't hear it, either. Until I looked up what it's supposed to sound like, then I got it.

Great job to Tazuto and Doomimus on Spongebob/Dokuro-chan and Monty Python/Princess Mononoke, respectively. Those ones made me laugh the most.

I'm using "Threw it on the Ground" for a clip of my own in AMV Hell 5... That clip was pretty good, and thankfully nothing like mine. Lonely Island songs all have so much potential.

01-02-2010, 06:23 AM
Checking in here with my self-critique to "You're Always Super Special". I must say I remain pleased with this clip, mostly just because it is so awful. I am worried that it is a little inaccessible to people who haven't seen School Days, but that was sort of inherent. For once, I don't have any real complaints about my editing.

Overall, I would say this episode was like "AMV Hell 4: Mini", it had the highest number of clips I thought were boring and the largest number that I found very amusing. Marck's Dennou Coil AMV is a real gem, worth seeing the whole episode really. The Mononoke, Berserk, and Code Geass ones all got me to laugh as well. Bonus points to the Code Geass creator for having a username I don't know how to type ("★☆★").

01-03-2010, 10:13 AM
yeah i already "critiqued" in the news portion of the thread... but maybe just me but being that at least my 1 clip so far got rejected for from what seemed to be said as "its funny but... except for the parts about getting hit in the balls, it doesn't seem to sync up with the audio very well".......well being that's really all to sync aside from a few lip syncs that just didn't have lip movements for the parts in the scenes i used (otherwise i would have) - but from what i understand...the point of a clip is too be "FUNNY" not just synced well...cause as many of these may have been lip synced well... *mostly just the same small mouth movement copied and pasted* but not funny....i think kinda defeats the whole purpose.

well being i made it i considered my clip funny...but obviously it may not have been good enough but when i see episode really makes me wonder how my clip got rejected.... i'm sure i could probably make it a bit better...but if what do you guys think... worthy....or garbage? i will probably attempt a re-edit if enough people think it worthy. (just comment on the video or send a pm instead of replying here,.....if at all :P)

01-04-2010, 03:52 AM
Looking back, I think I should've included "Run Away!" instead of "Jesus Christ!" at the end my "Monty Mononoke" clip. On the other hand, I think the sheep's bleating nicely compliments the horses fleeing. Hmmm....

01-04-2010, 04:29 AM
mmm, Run away would've been better but it was a fine clip

01-04-2010, 06:07 PM
Regardless of the exact line, I'm glad it was a hit. :)

01-04-2010, 09:14 PM

My "bring it on" clip. It fits, but I think the syncing could have been better (its an older clip, and my ONLY DBZ clip)

Popcicles. Again, I have issues with the lipsyncing (again its an older clip).

The Shining, possibly one of my oldest, the syncing is fine though. A good use of reverse video to achieve the idea of Shinji attacking Asuka.

I am starting to get an issue of the picture quality of the clips I am submitting. Its because I use MPEG1 encoding when I rip the DVDs to save space. (I store all my Anime rips on a 40 gig external hard drive)

Also, I am glad I did not submit my "Free Beer" song by Da Yoopers mixed with EVA, because of the other Eva clip involving alcohol.

01-11-2010, 11:09 PM
I went into this knowing that in-jokes may be a big factor here, so for now I'm judging them as they are.

DBZ/Ready to Rumble
Lip-sync is good. I'm not nuts about the dialogue, though. Where's the irony? Where's the surprise? I just don't feel it here.

Sasami/Break my Stride
In an earlier version of this clip, there was a cat and an old man casually strolling by while she put every ounce of her energy into heading toward the finish line. This made the clip funny, in my opinion. It just doesn't feel the same without it. In fact, I think that clip alone plus the chorus would've sufficed.

Porgy and Bess
I haven't anything to say regarding the idea (though an explanation would be very much appreciated). As for video/audio quality, it needs work. There are pops in the audio, and it's obvious where the still images were used because they change size ever so slightly. It needs to be seamless and clean.

Now THIS is funny. The set-up is great. The punchline has... well, punch! And the audio sums up the series perfectly. Only criticism: The video quality's a bit low, and we're missing the "This" from "This ride may cause...".

The execution is simple and flows very well. Now if someone could explain to me the connection between the audio (very amusing, by the way) and the anime source, that'd be great.

Throw it on the Ground
An engaging clip, marred only by low quality stills and stray frames.

K-On!/Stairway to Heaven
I admit I didn't make out the message the first time around, but once I looked up its supposed meaning I thought it was pretty funny.

What was the original dialogue in the scene? Maybe I can better appreciate the creepiness the clip is going for.

American Idiot
Just need to shave five seconds off the beginning. If you can get the point across with as little footage as possible, it makes the clip all the stronger, in my opinion.

Bitter Lager...
I can see what the clip is going for here, that Misato has no use for fancy designer drinks. Personally, I'd work on the timing, give Misato more opportunities to actually sing the lyrics, and use as few cuts as possible.

The Shining
There's definitely the movie geek factor here, though I think we should be careful not to be too reliant on that alone. With the Eva/Invader Zim clip from Episode 3, the strength lies in the absurdity of the dialogue as well as the connection between the audio and video source.

Super Special
Well put together, well-synched, and I like the irony.

Maybe it's me, but I'm afraid the novelty of poking fun at Griffith's girliness has worn off.

I'll just leave this one alone, since I can't fully appreciate the Portal reference.


Let's hear some critiques!

01-18-2010, 09:43 PM
Episode 4:

Various Anime / New Sensation: This is a fun clip. The first part Azumanga Daioh looks great since episode 2. The rests of this clip are completely excellent.

Dragon Ball Z / Ready to Rumble: I love this clip. The part " up a fresh can of whoop ass..." makes me laugh better as I expected. No offense but worth it.

Sasami Magical Girls Club / Break My Stride: This is very interesting. I don't know this anime, but this clip is actually works on either comedy or drama at the same time. Great job!

Dokuro-chan / SpongeBob SquarePants: Despite it misses the timing at the first part, this clip is actually funny a lot throughout.

Dennou Coil / Throw It On the Ground: I barely laugh so hard because of the song. This clip is excellent, either mostly comedy or drama at certain point.

Higurashi / Family Guy: The part "Popsicle" looks actually interests me. It has small laugh, but it is very good.

Yakitate!! Japan / American Idiot: Bang the head with a baseball bat is kinda funny at best. I also like the song that matches this clip.

Evangelion / The Shining: Thank gosh! Another censor the F-word. However, this clip is either funny or disturbing. Great job!

School Days / Super Special: Again, this clip is funny or disturbing. I think the song is getting into me, and I like it.

Berserk / Supergirl: Whoa! A guy is singing with a girl voice. Interesting! This clip is amazing and wonderful.

Code Geass / Portal: I love this clip. The turret sound clip is an excellent choice. "Sleep Mode Activated" and "I don't blame you" are one of my favorite parts of this clip. Well done!

01-24-2010, 12:07 AM
It's taken some time, but I finally had an opportunity to sit down to pen a few thoughts.

"A New Sensei-tion"

A clever and original pun. One criticism that I might make is that not all of your shots in the clip are actually joining in the spirit of the clip itself, of Sensei being Sensational. It's alright for Yukari not to be indulging in cheesecake in the opening shots because she's boldly announcing the new venture, but the Naruto clip just before appearance of the text is conventional and so doesn't really fit.


A witty spin on the concept - all of that protracted powering-up in a scifi adventure, and drunken trashtalking in a bar brawl, are pretty much one and the same thing!

"Break My Stride"

An original idea. There's a sense of irony in how the girl's sense of pride, independence and determination to "never break her stride" requires lots of futile leg-cycling and ends up in a disastrous crash.

"You Is Mah Woman Now"

Pretty surreal! That said, it tends less to the creepy, and more to the bizarre.

"Explosive Diorhrrea"

This clip is a strong embodiment of slapstick.


The expressions are what sell this clip, each one of them is well-pitched. The the first man's sardonic tip of his head perfectly suits the nonsense verse, the second man's thinner complexion matches the rasping voice at that point in the chorus, while the third figure's gleeful exclamation also makes a fine parallel to the shout.


This one is a mixed bag. The actual actions keep in sync with the music and the general activity in the anime also reflects the audio, but as others have said the variable image quality is pretty inescapable. Ironically changing image resolutions actually helps to disguise the wooden lip-movement, giving the impression of activity where there is none - nonetheless, though, it remains quite distracting.

"My Sweet Satan"

Good observational humour. I haven't watched K-ON so I don't know whether the original anime scene was actually doing back-masking itself - if not, then it speaks well of the editor for being able to see shots neatly slot together like that.

American Idiot

It has a zany sense which suits the high tempo of the audio.


Eh, it must be said that this one was pretty rudimentary. I also have to say that I don't think that it fits very well. The audio gives the impression of someone enticing and beguiling another hapless victim, but the anime shows that the boy is already very anxious and weirded out by something being very obviously wrong, so the sense of threat of being coaxed into the trap is lost.

"English pig-dogs"

Now, even though this could be said to be similar in character to the last one - audio and anime running in parallel - I prefer it. This is not only because it's a better fit but because the greater movement and activity in it - creating different situations which reduces the likelihood of a strong resemblance - makes the parallel nature of the anime and audio more surprising and satisfying. Of particular note is the way the tower guard rolls his head dismissively - it's so seamless that the audio might have been originally recorded that way!

"Beer Lager Cider Bitter Stout"

I've already self-evaluated my own clip further up in this thread.

"Bash your brains out"

Quite a clever adaptation of the scene, and Shinji's expression suits the strained voice, too. One flaw is that Asuka's still, contemptuous expression doesn't really fit the background noise of a woman who's snivelling in fear - it would have been better to concentrate more on the smashing of the furniture there.

"Super Special"

Positively dripping in black humour - the fact that his eyes roll up with final expiry in time with the final twinkling jingle is shiveringly sinister.

"Supernatural World"

This is another surrealist clip like the Porgy & Bess one above, but in this case the effect is improved by the starker dissonance. Furthermore, it's not just a jumble of random effects, but rather the anime is a subversion of the audio.


The novelty is worn down after having a similar clip closing off the previous Minis episode. I also have a personal aversion to this scene, because I resented Zero being able to twist an act of genuine villainy into enhancing his "liberator" status! "I don't blame you?" Well, you should! Still, the vacant speech of the the turrets matches the princess herself, and the audio itself is darkly humourous.

01-24-2010, 02:45 AM
"A New Sensei-tion"

A clever and original pun. One criticism that I might make is that not all of your shots in the clip are actually joining in the spirit of the clip itself, of Sensei being Sensational. It's alright for Yukari not to be indulging in cheesecake in the opening shots because she's boldly announcing the new venture, but the Naruto clip just before appearance of the text is conventional and so doesn't really fit.
Glad you like the pun there, kappa. :) As for the Naruto clip, I just went with that clip to sync with the line "got a hold on you," though looking back, I guess I could've used a clip that was less literal and more keeping with the spirit of it like you said. Any other clips you think I should've reconsidered using?

"English pig-dogs"

Now, even though this could be said to be similar in character to the last one - audio and anime running in parallel - I prefer it. This is not only because it's a better fit but because the greater movement and activity in it - creating different situations which reduces the likelihood of a strong resemblance - makes the parallel nature of the anime and audio more surprising and satisfying. Of particular note is the way the tower guard rolls his head dismissively - it's so seamless that the audio might have been originally recorded that way!
