01-01-2013, 08:04 PM
After months of anticipation I find myself coming to AMV Hell 6 late (isn't it always the way?), and I've been dismayed to see that amount of carping there is on the main discussion thread. I'm not posting there because I've no real interest in contributing to it.

AMV Hell was the first thing that really made me aware of AMVs as a concept - I was wondering what was playing on the screen during a break at an anime club and it happened to be AMV Hell 4. I smirked at the cold-open, I was intrigued by the original music in the opening credits, and in 2009 I decided to try my hand at AMVs of my open. What was at first the opportunity to occupy quiet evenings out in the country has over the years become quite a satisfying hobby. It's given me a lot of pleasure, and I'm fond of the time that I spent on skits and videos - and that's what I feel when watching AMV Hell 6 as well - fondness. Gruelling second-by-second grilling doesn't really serve any purpose - it only leaches out whatever humour you could have found anyway - I was just warmed by the glow of creating.

So, thanks everyone. Thanks for great times, and for bringing many of them all together.

01-01-2013, 08:16 PM
Glad to see someone can also be positive despite all the overwhelming negativity.

01-01-2013, 10:05 PM

01-02-2013, 12:36 AM
Yeah there is alot of venom, however its a case of a lot of the clips just dont have the love or the quality that past clips in AMV hell has had. Which to be honest mirrors what AMVs have become as a whole.

You've came into it in 2009 which at this point you were either in deeper AMV forums and communities with the old values on AMV's (the best in my opinion) or you were on youtube with the swathe of just clips put to music. Yes its an Anime/animated music video, however it was just throwing on a song and doing some editing (alot of the time none) and this same habit over swarmed AMV Hell 6.

Alot of it for me is an absolute fear of that one of the few bastions of what AMV's mean to me is being destroyed in the public eye at least.

I was watching an enjoying the AMV's of 2002 and onwards, were it was shared among forum goers, clubs and shown at Cons. until Youtube hut, now everyone with Windows Movie Maker or Apples program is throw up stuff. Seriously even trying to get a clip from an anime was hard, it was just Linkin Park, Metallica and Evanescence over a fight scene.

The key thing is "Cons" your showing it to a mass of people from 10 to 100 maybe even more. You had to be near and watch as it was projected on a screen and had to face your viewers, they could even shout abuse. Its already been accepted by judges and now its you, your video and the audience. The idea and the concept has to be there or else your going to bore the audience in your 3 minute video. This could hit the creator hard, a room full of people not laughing or looking entertained.

The quality had to be there.

Humor is relative, so I wont spit venom about that. However quality of the clip is universal, the quality of the source video file you have, the editing you do with it and in some cases people just flew right into the face of and against the basic rules of AMV Hell.

Alot of AMV Hell 6 was poor quality on basic video files being bad before there is an analysis of the clip.

AMV Hell has been a very high quality production. Its just a bunch of people coming together, delivering a high standard on editing skills at minimum.

AMV Hell 6 is mostly something I would make. I should know since while I didn't make an AMV I made a crappy Anime Review show for my college project, which has alot of the sins I am against when it comes to a great AMV or clip in AMV Hell.

If anything the mainstream things that show off the old values of what I believe in for AMV's and AMV Hell is showen by (good) abridged series, however....youtube and anyone with WMM is killing that as well.

I may be takeing this far outside of the realm of the actual video, however if "AMV Hell is the cancer that's killing AMVs" to quote AMV Hell 3. Id say its modern AMV's that it is the cancer killing AMV Hell.

Quality, there was a lack of it.

01-02-2013, 11:26 AM
I've watched AMV Hell 6 Rough Cut 13 times already, it's hilarious most of the time, but the lack of quality really shows at certain points, though I think whoever put it together did a good job with what they had.


01-02-2013, 01:38 PM
I've watched AMV Hell 6 Rough Cut 13 times already, it's hilarious most of the time, but the lack of quality really shows at certain points, though I think whoever put it together did a good job with what they had.


SSGWNBTD edited. I he does a fine job and the finale clip of end of the world only shows his skill. Cutting up nearly all the clips and putting them in to the end very well.

Considering SSG has had this rough cut for a long while as he was showing it at cons for about 4 or so months? and never released it untilll Zarxax took over and decided to get a peer reveiw of the rough cut. I think he did the best with what he had, except he himself wasnt happy with the quality.

I am happy SSG and Zarxax have pride in quality enough to postpone it for new submissions. As I am kind of shocked over how people are takeing pride in sub par quality. This thread is the sort of thing that boggles me.

I dont think that this rough cut that does not have good veiws from the vocal at least, that has been delayed many months despite being shown at cons, has been postponed for re editting and for a new influx of submission's, should be given pats on the back for an over all good job.

As the tell tale signs before any of us saw the rough cut, no one was confident in it. With in the same post as Zarxax saying he is leting us see it, he says he is takeing new submissions to re edit it.

It's not a good job. I pat a few editors for going above the call like they did, which is actualy standard for Amv Hell due to the high quality of Amv Hell. Most importantly SSG for makeing it, he had to sit in rooms showing it to people and live with their reactions. Considering he was not happy to release it and we are now being asked for new submissions. It wasnt a good reaction.

I am not saying people are bad editors. I am not saying people should give up. What I am saying is give it your best, if you fail learn from it and do better next time. Dont! just be happy with sub par work! Strive for better. Admit your flaws,admit that things arnt good.

Accept criticism, take it on board, value its worth and decide how best over come it. Be active! not passive!

01-02-2013, 10:49 PM
I think your giving SSG far to much credit here all he has to do is put the clips together in an approoiate order and decide what is good enough to go in.
If it wasn't for Zarxs taking over I doubt they would be any version up on the internet,And if it weren't for mad I doubt they'd be a version on vimeo.
So I like to thank mad for posting it on vimeo.

I'd also like to thank zarxs for extending the subbmission time.

I'm happy to except critism when it's well worded and constructed.
but most of the time critism especdially for the minis
came down to single line reveiws
Erm not that good
this isn't funny
thats the kind of critism
I was getting on my subbmissions
and my latest entry got this reveiw from zarx
I didn't find it all that funny.

01-03-2013, 03:08 AM
I think your giving SSG far to much credit here all he has to do is put the clips together in an approoiate order and decide what is good enough to go in.
If it wasn't for Zarxs taking over I doubt they would be any version up on the internet,And if it weren't for mad I doubt they'd be a version on vimeo.
So I like to thank mad for posting it on vimeo.

Yes I have held SSG in too high a regard as I have enjoyed his AMV's in the past before the Youtube AMV Holocaust. Reading through past AMV hell 6 comments SSG has put up, he has been flagging AMV Hell 6 as horrible work almost straight after submissions was closed.

Your second point, you can only do what you can with the tools you are given. If you tell someone to paint the walls and only give them a bucket of ****....there going to just have to use that.

As for judging and Zarx, your having this discussion over in the Rough cut, Zarx even replied to you, get over there and have the discussion about your butt hurt issue there. As your opinions seem like the rantings of a crazy person who never seemed to understand what AMV Hell is about vs what youtube AMV's are.

Edit: Maybe a little harsh on my last comment. However AMV Hell is comedy. If you want an artistic movie. Open up "Jinzo's Haven for art" since something of quality will need to fill the void of in AMV Hell's death.

Sir Fluffykins
01-03-2013, 05:25 AM
This is the "rough cut" and seeing as some of the creators of the clips have acknowledged what people have said and already gone back to improve their clips, either in RAW quality or editing or whatever, it can only mean AMV HELL 6 will be a better clip-show because of it.

Also, I wonder why the "poop song" got cut. :P

01-03-2013, 05:25 AM
SSGWNBTD edited. I he does a fine job and the finale clip of end of the world only shows his skill. Cutting up nearly all the clips and putting them in to the end very well.

Hey, I did that with AMV Paradise 5 and no one was praising me over what a great job I did :V

I even made an awesome ending AMV


01-03-2013, 05:29 AM
Hey, I did that with AMV Paradise 5 and no one was praising me over what a great job I did :V

I even made an awesome ending AMV

Really now. Sure, it was good when compared to the rest of the nonsense in Paradise, but when put on the international stage...

01-03-2013, 05:33 AM
Don't make me explain the joke.